Rodeo Realty
Rodeo Realty

9171 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 321

Beverly Hills, CA, United States

Jeff Siegel

Jeff Siegel

Welcome to my web site! You'll find this a very informative web site for buyers, sellers, tenants and landlords! If you look around, you'll find that you can find out how much a home or property is worth, view available properties, read reviews and testimonials from clients that I've worked with, and much more. When looking at potential properties, you can create a custom search by community, city, school boundaries and even design your own.

I can provide you with detailed reports on just about any area of the Los Angeles area including neighborhoods, school districts, cities, or even a mixture of different areas. These are very valuable tools when looking at trends and past pricing in that selected area.

Please enjoy my site and drop me a line!

818 903 2666

Business Details

CA 00853979

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